
Publications in refereed, peer-reviewed journals by Smart BIS members (since 2013)

  1. Bia Figueiredo, M., & Besson, M. (2023). (In)visibilité dans les nouveaux espaces de travail : L’expérience du télétravail durant la crise COVID19 revisitée au prisme des théories de la reconnaissance. Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels, XXVIII(75), 151‑176.
  2. Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, L., Baabdullah, A. M., Ribeiro-Navarrete, S., Giannakis, M., Al-Debei, M. M., Dennehy, D., Metri, B., Buhalis, D., …, Shirish, A., …, Wamba, S. F. (2022). Metaverse beyond the hype : Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 66, 102542
  3. Chourabi, O., Feki, M., Dudézert, A., & Boughzala, I. (2022). Des Robots et des Hommes. L’Allianz parfaite ! Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion, 22(2), 91‑104.
  4. Tounkara, T., & Daidj, N. (2022). Designing a Serious Game for Scrum Learning : Boundary Objects as a Medium for Knowledge Transfer. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO), 12(2), 1‑22.
  5. Shirish, A., Chandra, S., & Srivastava, S. C. (2021). Switching to online learning during COVID-19: Theorizing the role of IT mindfulness and techno eustress for facilitating productivity and creativity in student learning. International Journal of Information Management, 61, 102394.
  6. Shirish, A., Srivastava, S. C., & Chandra, S. (2021). Impact of mobile connectivity and freedom on fake news propensity during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-country empirical examination. European Journal of Information Systems, 30(3), 322–341.
  7. Kim, K., Lee, S.-Y. T., & Assar, S. (2021). The dynamics of cryptocurrency market behavior : Sentiment analysis using Markov chains. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(2), 365‑395.
  8. Oubrich, M., Hakmaoui, A., Benhayoun, L., Solberg Söilen, K., & Abdulkader, B. (2021). Impacts of leadership style, organizational design and HRM practices on knowledge hiding: The indirect roles of organizational justice and competitive work environment. Journal of Business Research, 137, 488–499.
  9. Dudézert, A., Mitev, N., & Oiry, E. (2021). Cultural metaphors and KMS appropriation: Drawing on Astérix to understand non-use in a large French company. Information and Organization, 31(2), 100352.
  10. Waheed, M., Klobas, J. E., & Ain, N. (2020). Unveiling knowledge quality, researcher satisfaction, learning, and loyalty : A model of academic social media success. Information Technology & People, 34(1), 204‑227.
  11. Waheed, M., & Leišytė, L. (2021). German and Swedish students going digital : Do gender and interaction matter in quality evaluation of digital learning systems? Interactive Learning Environments, 0(0), 1‑15.
  12. Delaunay, A.-L. (2020). Digital et évolution des mobilités spatiales. Management & Datascience, 4(3).
  13. Benhayoun, L., Ayala, N. F., & Le Dain, M.-A. (2021). SMEs innovating in collaborative networks: how does absorptive capacity matter for innovation performance in times of good partnership quality? Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  14. Chandra, S., Shirish, A., & Srivastava, S. C. (2020). Theorizing technological spatial intrusion for ICT enabled employee innovation: The mediating role of perceived usefulness. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161, 120320.
  15. Moriceau, J.-L., Besson, M., Bia Figueiredo, M., & Guérillot, G. (2020). L’espace agile, oasis ou mirage ?. Mise en perspective de quelques difficultés et paradoxes pour les travailleurs. Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société, (128).
  16. Benhayoun, L., Le Dain, M.-A., Dominguez-Péry, C., & Lyons, A. C. (2020). SMEs embedded in collaborative innovation networks: How to measure their absorptive capacity? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 159, 120196.
  17. Salahaldin, L., Alexandri, E., & Daidj, N. (2019). Business model analysis for the interaction between smart grid and mobile network operators. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 42(1–2), 45–62.
  18. Chandra, S., Shirish, A., & Srivastava, S. (2019). Does Technostress Inhibit Employee Innovation? Examining the Linear and Curvilinear Influence of Technostress Creators. Communications of the AIS, 44(1).
  19. Dudézert, A., Mitev, N., & Oiry, E. (2019). Numérique et Symbolique. Systemes d’information management, 24(4), 3–8.
  20. Tounkara, T. (2018). Culture organisationnelle et utilisation effective des systèmes de gestion des connaissances : vers un cadre d’analyse. AIDAinformazioni: Rivista di Scienze dell’informazione, 36(1–2), 153–177.
  21. Morley, C. (2018). Approche féministe et recherche en S.I. : une étude de MIS Quarterly. Systemes d’information management, 23(3), 11–69.
  22. De Vreede, T., Boughzala, I., De Vreede, G.-J., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2017). The Team Creativity Model: An Exploratory Case Study. Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2017(1), 19.
  23. Chabrak, N., Craig, R., & Daidj, N. (2016). Nouveau riche, old guard, established elite: Agency and the leadership of Vivendi Universal. Leadership, 12(4), 398–419.
  24. Chabrak, N., Craig, R., & Daidj, N. (2016). Financialization and the Employee Suicide Crisis at France Telecom. Journal of Business Ethics, 139(3), 501–515.
  25. Daidj, N., & Salahaldin, L. (2016). The impact of cognitive radio technology on mobile network operators’ interorganizational networks and business models. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 27(2), 101–109.
  26. Assar, S., Borg, M., & Pfahl, D. (2016). Using text clustering to predict defect resolution time: a conceptual replication and an evaluation of prediction accuracy. Empirical Software Engineering, 21(4), 1437–1475.
  27. Jaramillo Franco, A., & Assar, S. (2016). Leveraging Creativity Techniques in Requirements Elicitation. Requirements Engineering Magazine, 02.
  28. Bououd, I., Skandrani, S. R., Boughzala, I., & Makhlouf, M. (2016). Impact of object manipulation, customization and social loafing on competencies management in 3D Virtual Worlds. Information Systems Frontiers, 18(6), 1191–1203.
  29. Shirish, A., Boughzala, I., & Srivastava, S. C. (2016). Adaptive use of social networking applications in contemporary organizations: Examining the motivations of Gen Y cohorts. International Journal of Information Management, 36(6), 1111–1123.
  30. Morley, C., & Bia Figueiredo, M. (2016). Impact des processus de recherche sur les organisations – Le cas du domaine « systèmes d’information ». Revue Française de Gestion, 42(261), 21–38.
  31. Boughzala, I. (2016). Social Media and Value Creation: Exploring the Perception of Generation Y toward Corporate Social Networking Applications Use. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 28(2), 107–123.
  32. Boughzala, I., & Vreede, G.-J. de. (2015). Evaluating Team Collaboration Quality: The Development and Field Application of a Collaboration Maturity Model. Journal of Management Information Systems, 32(3), 129–157.
  33. Assar, S. (2015). Méthodes de recherche empirique en ingénierie des SI. Principes et applications. Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, 20(6), 11–33.
  34. Assar, S., Souveyet, C., & Mallouli, S. D. (2015). Vers une sémantique orientée événement des modèles de processus. Démarche de type IDM. Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, 20(2), 93–117.
  35. Lang, D., Chourabi, O., & Boughzala, I. (2015). Retour d’expérience sur l’insertion d’un Serious Game dans l’apprentissage des systèmes d’information. Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, 20(1), 11–36.
  36. Boughzala, I., & Romano, N. (2015). La méthode MAIN+ pour la digitalisation de la collaboration. Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l’Information – Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, 20(4), 113–139.
  37. Bia Figueiredo, M., & Morley, C. (2015). Une lecture structurationniste des pratiques de management de projet SI. Systèmes d’Information et Management, 20(2), 37–87.
  38. Srivastava, S. C., Chandra, S., & Shirish, A. (2015). Technostress creators and job outcomes: theorising the moderating influence of personality traits. Information Systems Journal, 25(4), 355–401.
  39. Boughzala, I. (2014). Characterizing the Serious Game and Assessing Learning Goals. Systemes d’information management, Volume 19(3), 9–37.
  40. Mazo, R., Assar, S., Salinesi, C., & Hassen, N. B. (2014). Using Software Product Line to improve ERP Engineering: Literature Review and Analysis. Latin-American Journal of Computing, Systems Engineering, National Polytechnic School, Ecuador, 1(1), 10.
  41. Boughzala, I. (2014). A Community Maturity Model: a field application for supporting new strategy building. Journal of Decision Systems, 23(1), 82–98.
  42. Latif, R., Abbas, H., & Assar, S. (2014). Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack in Cloud- Assisted Wireless Body Area Networks: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Medical Systems, 38(11), 1–10.
  43. Boughzala, I., & Bououd, I. (2013). The development and application of a community maturity model. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 12(3–4), 273–297.
  44. Tounkara, T. (2013). Increasing Transferability of Tacit Knowledge with Knowledge Engineering Methods. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(3), 268‑279.