The Smart BIS research team is composed of 11 researchers (5 with the French Habilitation HDR) and 6 Ph.D. students.
Researchers (x11)
- Anuragini Shirish, Associate Professor HDR – Leader of Smart BIS research team
- Saïd Assar, Professor (full) – TIM department director
- Aurélie Dudezert, Professor (full)
- Imed Boughzala , Professor (full) – Associate Dean for undergraduate and graduate education at IMT-BS
- Nabyla Daidj, Associate Professor HDR
- Marie Bia, Associate Professor
- Thierno Tounkara, Associate Professor
- Olfa Chourabi, Associate Professor
- Daniel Lang, Associate Professor
- Mehwish Waheed, Associate Professor
- Anne-Laure Delaunay, Associate Professor
PhD students (x6)
- Samya DHAIOUIR : « Adoption and impact of Blockchain in the digital transformation of Industry 4.0 and the Supply Chain: quality, security and governance of Smart Contracts« (starting in Sept. 2019, supervised by Saïd Assar)
- Anaya KUMAR : « Employee Advocacy and Digital Workplace: A Sociotechnical Inquiry » (starting in Sept. 2021, supervised by Anuragini Shirish and Imed Boughzala)
- Taoufik EL OUALIDI : « Artificial Intelligence: impacts of explainability in value creation and decision-making » (starting Sept. 2021, supervised by Saïd Assar)
- Harry RAMADASSE : « Accompagner la transformation des modes de travail collaboratifs dans les entreprises industrielles : développer l’intelligence digitale des collaborateurs » (starting Sept. 2021, co-supervised by Aurélie Dudezert and Florence Laval – Univ. Poitiers)
- Philippe AUSSU : « Surcharge informationnelle : les mécanismes d’atténuation et impact des outils » (starting January 2022, supervised by Saïd Assar)
- Mélanie BITTAR : « La perception de la fonction RH par les salariés : impact sur la motivation et le bien-être » (starting Sept. 2021, co-supervised by Aurélie Dudezert and Florence Laval – Univ. Poitiers)
PhD defense at Smart BIS (x7)
- Mouaad Hafsi (PhD defense in Dec. 2020 – supervised by S. Assar)
- Emily Henriette (PhD defense in July 2018 – supervised by I. Boughzala)
- Mahda Garmaki (PhD defense in July 2018 – supervised by I. Boughzala)
- Jihane Khayoussef-Gassib (PhD defense in June 2017 – supervised by Ch. Morley)
- Anuragini Shirish (PhD defense in July 2016 – supervised by I. Boughzala)
- Yaneli Cruz Alvarado (PhD defense in Dec. 2014 – supervised by I. Boughzala and S. Assar)
- Ikram Bououd (PhD defense in March 2014 – supervised by I. Boughzala)
Former members and associate researchers
- Lamiae Benhayoun, Assistant Professor at Rabat Business School
- Kim Kwansoo, Associate Professor